Search Results
46 results-
National Debtline
The National Debtline is a national telephone helpline for people with debt problems in England, Wales and Scotland. Their service is free, confidential and independent. National Debtline are committed to answering your call and then... -
National Autistic Society Scotland
The National Autistic Society (NAS) Scotland is the leading UK charity for people with autism (including Asperger Syndrome) and their families. The NAS provides information, support and pioneering services, and campaigns for a better world... -
Association of National Specialist Colleges
Natspec is the membership association for independent specialist colleges that provide further education or training for learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. These learners tend to have more complex or additional disabilities, so that... -
National Autistic Society (NAS) Scotland Prospects
Prospects is an employment and training service for people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who wish to work. Our aim is that people with an ASD should have the same training and employment opportunities... -
National Counselling Service – Skye and Lochalsh
A counselling service for children and young people who are experiencing difficulties in their life due to issues such as: low self–esteem anxiety relationship problems life transitions bereavement Young people of high school age... -
Royal National Institute of Blind People – Scotland
The Education and Family Services Department promotes the interests of children and young people with sight problems and those who support them, from the point of diagnosis, on through the young persons school, college and... -
Prince's Trust Development Awards
The aim of the Development Awards is to help remove barriers that young people are facing which may be stopping them from getting into a job, training or further education. We can cover the... -
UHI Inverness - School College Programmes
Highland Senior Phase courses offer a fantastic opportunity to study a wide range of college courses as part of your school timetable in S4, S5 and S6. These courses range from practical, skills for work... -
Young Scot
Young Scot is the national youth information and citizenship agency for Scotland. It can provide all young people between the ages of 11 and 26 a mixture of information, ideas and incentives. You can also... -
Scottish Out of School Care Network
The Scottish Out of School Care Network (SOSCN) is a Scottish Registered Charity (SC020520), established in 1991 and is the national infrastructure umbrella organisation providing support, mentoring, training, information and resources to the nearly 1,00... -
The Scouting Association
The aim of the Association is to promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential, as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national... -
Highland Opportunity's Business Gateway Service
If you are thinking of starting your own business then Business Gateway will help you to grow and prosper. All of their services are free of charge and all are available throughout the Highlands and... -
SANE Services
SANE is a national mental health charity which aims to raise awareness of mental illness and campaign to improve services and initiate research into the causes of serious mental illness. Emotional support and information is... -
Scottish Child Law Centre
The Centre provides free legal information and advice on the law relating to children and young people and their rights. It is a national service available to children and young people, their families, carers... -
Young Scot Info Line
Young Scot is the national youth information and citizenship agency for Scotland. It provides all young people between the ages of 11 and 26 with a mixture of information, ideas and incentives to help them... -
The Duncraig Educational Trust Scheme
The Duncraig Educational Trust Scheme provide financial assistance to young Highland people who can meet the essential criteria for the scheme. These are:- Young people with an exceptional or unique talent And, who attend or... -
Jobcentre Plus Lochaber
Jobcentre Plus is an executive agency of the Department for Work and Pensions. It is responsible for assisting people of working age find jobs through its network of Jobcentre Plus offices. It is also responsible... -
Jobcentre Plus Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey
Jobcentre Plus is an executive agency of the Department for Work and Pensions. It is responsible for assisting people of working age find jobs through its network of Jobcentre Plus offices. It is also responsible... -
Jobcentre Plus Skye and Lochalsh
Jobcentre Plus is an executive agency of the Department for Work and Pensions. It is responsible for assisting people of working age find jobs through its network of Jobcentre Plus offices. It is also responsible... -
Jobcentre Plus Caithness and Sutherland
Jobcentre Plus is an executive agency of the Department for Work and Pensions. It is responsible for assisting people of working age find jobs through its network of Jobcentre Plus offices. It is also responsible... -
Job Connect @Badaguish
Job Connect @Badaguish is a programme to promote equal opportunity, access to training and employment opportunities in the Cairngorms National Park. The programme is underpinned by the belief that all people, regardless of disability... -
Jobcentre Plus Ross and Cromarty
Jobcentre Plus is an executive agency of the Department for Work and Pensions. It is responsible for assisting people of working age find jobs through its network of Jobcentre Plus offices. It is also responsible... -
Money Advice
Money advice The Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) provide advice on managing money. They can: Discuss what options are available to you Advise you how to deal with the companies/organisations that you owe money to Negotiate... -
Foundation Apprenticeships
Foundation Apprenticeships are a work-based learning opportunity for senior-phase secondary school pupils. Lasting one or two years, pupils begin their Foundation Apprenticeship in S5 or S6. Young people spend time out of school at college... -
SPEAK, this is meStigma Prevention (through) Education, Advocacy and Knowledge SPEAK is a voice for young people aged 13-25 years old who are affected by, or passionate, about speaking out, campaigning and raising awareness of... -
Highland Disability Sport
Highland Disability Sport (HDS) is the branch member of Scottish Disability Sport (SDS) who are the governing body for leisure and sport for people with disabilities in Scotland. As a branch member, HDS co–ordinates... -
Inclusion Scotland
Inclusion Scotland, the national disabled people's organisation, now has a Highland presence. John Beaton is based in Dingwall and is the Policy and Engagement Officer for the Scotland wide organisation which is run by disabled... -
Highland Youth Arts Hub
The Highland Youth Arts Hub is one of nine hubs being set up across the country as part of the National Youth Arts Strategy, Time to Shine. The Hub is working to this ambitious strategy... -
UHI - University of the Highlands and Islands
The University of the Highlands and Islands gives you the chance to do something different, something special. We offer a diverse range of courses, many taking advantage of our region's unique environment, landscape and culture... -
Army Cadets
The Army Cadet Force (ACF) has nearly 40,000 cadets in more than 1,600 detachments all over the country and is one of the biggest and best clubs around. When it comes to fun, friendship, action... -
Eating Disorders Association (Beat)
Beat is the leading UK wide charity providing information, help and support for people affected by eating disorders – anorexia, bulimia nervosa, obesity and binge eating disorder. Beat services and support include: Helplines: national telephone... -
Down's Syndrome Scotland
We work to help people with Down's syndrome reach their full potential by providing information and support to them, their families, carers and to professionals. Our information and support service, consisting of home visits, web... -
VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd
VISION 2020 UK is an umbrella organisation which facilitates greater collaboration and co–operation between organisations within the UK which focus on visual impairment and operate on a national, regional or international basis – VISION... -
Skills Development Scotland
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is the national skills body supporting the people and businesses of Scotland. SDS can support you to plan your career ambitions in a number of ways. The web service allows... -
Highland Young Musicians
There are currently eight Regional Music Groups, run as an extension to the work of the Instrumental Tuition Service in Highland. Membership for all the groups is by audition / invitation after an annual Audition... -
Change Mental Health
For 50 years, our mission has remained the same: to help and support people affected by mental illness. We are excited to continue that journey as Change Mental Health.At Change Mental Health, we place people... -
HISEZ Fusion
Highlands and Islands Social Enterprise Zone launched HISEZ Fusion at the end of January 2016 to support the networking and education of Entrepreneurs. HISEZ provides support and advice to social enterprises. Fusion is a HISEZ... -
Developing the Young Workforce (DYW)
The Developing the Young Workforce - Scotland's Youth Employment Strategy was published on 15 December 2014: a link to the press release can be found here along with a link to the published document. The... -
Volunteering Matters
We believe that young people can make all the difference to their communities and their lives through volunteering. Our young volunteers help people with physical or learning disabilities, befriend older and socially isolated people or... -
Modern Apprenticeships
Thousands of young Scots are choosing to get their careers up and running with a Modern Apprenticeship and there were over 1,000 new starts in the Highlands last year alone. They are a great way... -
Opportunities for All
Opportunities for All is a commitment by Scottish Government to offer a place in learning or training to every 16-19 year old who is currently not in education, employment or training. Highland Council has a... -
High Life Highland - Youth Services Team
The Youth Team within High Life Highland provide and support a range of services for young people aged 11 to 26 who are interested in taking part in activities and working within their community to... -
Young Enterprise Scotland
Young Enterprise Scotland offers a wide variety of enterprise & financial education programmes and development opportunities for young people of all ages across all of Scotland. Enterprise Education Programmes for Secondary Schools includes: The Company... -
Community Jobs Scotland
What do we offer? Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) provides young people living in Scotland with paid jobs in third sector organisations. CJS is a partnership between the Scottish Government, SCVO and Social Enterprise Scotland... -
Work Experience - School and Young People Guidance
As part of the national Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) agenda, The Highland Council, Schools, Colleges and DYW Regional Groups are working in partnership to develop and increase work-related learning opportunities for young people through... -
Work Experience - Employer Guidance
As part of the national Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) agenda, The Highland Council, Schools, Colleges and DYW Regional Groups are working in partnership to develop and increase work-related learning opportunities for young people through...