Association of National Specialist Colleges

Natspec is the membership association for independent specialist colleges that provide further education or training for learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.

These learners tend to have more complex or additional disabilities, so that their learning and support needs cannot be best met in their local college.

Most colleges are residential, enabling students to learn independent living skills in real life settings.

All colleges offer a range of work experience and where appropriate prepare learners for work.

There are a number of colleges in the north of England; they can be found in the directory section of the Natspec website.

If you are a parent/carer with a query about a placement, please contact:

To request a Natspec directory please contact:
Queen Alexandra College
0121 428 5050 /

Derwen College
01691 661234 /


Also consider...



Natspec, c/o Derwen College, Oswestry, Shropshire
SY11 3JA
