Opportunities for All

Opportunities for All is a commitment by Scottish Government to offer a place in learning or training to every 16-19 year old who is currently not in education, employment or training. Highland Council has a lead role in respect of Opportunities for All whilst young people are still in school. The long-term aim is to enable all young people to access and progress in learning and to equip them with the skills to participate and progress, where possible into eventual employment.

Through Opportunities for All, Highland Council will continue to work with key local and national partners to ensure:

  • Identification of need through school
  • A clear reason for you to pursue any learning/training route
  • Prioritised provision for you as a 16-19 year old
  • Successful transition to education, employment or training
  • Targeted support for those who need it most
  • Tracking and monitoring by key partners of your participation in the learning system and beyond

An offer could be one of the following destinations:

  • Full or part time education in School, College or Higher Education
  • Full or part-time employment or self-employment
  • Local Training programmes,
  • Modern Apprenticeships or Grauate Apprenticeships,
  • Volunteering or Gap Year

The aim is to have an offer in place for all leavers prior to leaving school. Further assistance to make these choices can be supported by visiting:

Directory - for local information and opportunities
Learning Choices - planning for moving on from school and knowing your options
Training & Skills for local training provision
Noticeboard for jobs, events, voluteering, courses, news and updates

Schools, Colleges, Higher Education Institutes, Training Providers and Employers will continue to provide 16+ opportunities. Access to these opportunities will be supported by Guidance staff in schools or Skills Development Scotland Careers Advisors.

For Local Authorities the 16+ Transitions Policy and Practice Framework sets out the policy behind data sharing. The purpose of this document is to support LA’s with following the statutory guidance.

Links to relevant legislation and Scottish Government Frameworks


Also consider...



Opportunities for All Coordinator, Highland Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness
