16plus Planning

Capturing and recording the intentions and destinations of young people:

Before pupils become eligible to leave school they should be supported to consider what they want to do when they leave school and when they might leave. From S4* onwards every pupil should complete a 16+ planning form which collects information about pupil anticipated school leaving date, preferred route and preferred occupation. Optionally schools can collect and record this information in BGE to create a school profile which can direct development of work-related learning activities and focus work with partners.

The information should ensure you can identify pupils who require support and will aid you to plan your DYW strategy. If you prefer to collate this data using google forms email: dyw@highland.gov.uk for access rights, providing your highlandschools email address.

All Local Authorities have a statutory obligation to collate this data. Links to the legislation and Scottish Government Framework can be found here: https://hi-hope.org/directory/listing/opportunities-for-all/

Who is mandatory to include?

  • *Any S3 and above student (Mainstream School) or student aged 14.5 and over (Special School) who is classified as ASN and is eligible to leave in S4
  • Any students in S3 and above aged over 15 and under 25

Templates and useful information for schools:

School Leaver definition form - School leaver destination definitions

This provides a comprehensive description of the different options available to young people when planning what they would like to do when they leave school and for recording post-school destinations. These definitions tie-in with options on SEEMiS and are in alignment with the definitions used by Skills Development Scotland (SDS). It will provide information about what is defined as Higher Education; what is defined as Further Education; what is defined as employment etc.

Capturing pupil aspirations - (Form A) 16+ Planning for leaving school

This form is used to capture information about young people’s aspirations. Pupils are required to note what they plan to do when they leave school, when they plan to leave and what their preferred occupation is. This can be updated at any time and is an indication of pupil leaving intentions that should support 16+ planning and work-related learning opportunities.

For pupils that are uncertain there is the option for young people to state on the form that they 'need some help deciding'. This can be marked as ‘unable to determine’ on SEEMiS, which should flag-up that further support and guidance is required. This status however is for schools only and will not pull through to the Datahub, so will appear as a blank to SDS. It is important, where possible, to try and complete this gap as soon as possible.

Capturing School leavers Information - Post-School Offer - (Form B) - Printable Leavers Form

This form is used to capture information about the Actual Destination of school leavers. This information should be collated by schools prior to pupil leaving where possible. It is also crucial to update leaver's contact information so that they can be contacted by SDS to ensure accurate information/reduction in unconfirmed for the Insight destination report. Do not input uncertain information onto SEEMiS, only confirmed destinations. There is a space to write notes about multiple offers on the form such as College applications, job applications, unconfirmed offers. This can be recorded in the SEEMiS 16+ notes section.

Key Dates and Activities Timeline - Key Dates Timeline 2023-24

This monthly planner provides an overview of activities and key dates for recording 16+ planning and leavers data. It also provides details of key dates for publications and critical deadlines for noting information to ensure accurate recording on your Insight destination report.

SEEMiS 16+ Help pages - SEE Mi S 16+ Update Help pages

Guidance from SEEMiS on inputting 16+ information.

SEEMiS Bulk Entry Guidance - SEE Mi S 16+ bulk entry guidance

Instructions on using the SEEMiS 16+ bulk entry option to reduce workload when inputting large amounts of data.

Guidance for 16+ Meetings - 16+ Meeting Summary

Guidance for hosting 16+ meetings in schools to support planning for leaving school, particularly for those most at risk of not achieving a positive post-school destination.

16+ Data Sharing SEEMiS Guidelines - Post School Status Guidance

Additional guidance from SDS about inputting leaver details onto SEEMiS.

16+ FAQs around SEEMiS input can be found here -> 16+ (sharepoint.com)


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