Transition Planning
Transition happens throughout our lives, however, we recognise that there are key stages when you will need a bit more support.
This page contains information and guidance to help you, your parents/carers and your teachers.
Transition Planning is about:
- getting the right information at the right time in a way that is understood
- building skills to enable you to make decisions about your future
- making sure you are ready for the first steps into the world of adulthood
- exploring the options of further education, training,employment or taking a gap year
Making plans should start well in advance of your proposed school leaving date so that you can fully consider your needs and choices for your future. It is really important for you and your supporters to work together to explore your options and ensure you have the opportunity to gain/enhance the skills and attainments you need to progress.
For those who have an aditional support need, planning should begin no later than your 14th birthday. This milestone birthday is a good indication for all to begin Transition Planning.
To access documents that will help and inform you please follow the links below:
- Education(Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004: Act 2004
- Enquire Education and Additional Support after 16 Factsheet, this factsheet explains young people’s right to stay on a school and local authorities’ duties to pupils with support needs who are leaving school. It can be found here.
General guidance with links to Additional support needs/Meeting Individual Needs/Planning For Children: General Guidance
- The Pines, Neurodevelopmental Support Centre work in a multi agency team with NHS Highland and voluntary agencies. We provide assessment, help and support for children and young people who may be affected by Neurodevelopmental Disorders and their families. Their website can be found here.
- Autism Toolbox has a range of resources and tools to support children & young people with ASD. Their transitions page provides ideas and support for Early Years, Primary and Secondary. It can be accessed by clicking here
- National Autistic Society have a transition support service. You can find out more on their website.
National Deaf Children's Society have information to support your child at various stages of transition. You can find this here.
Contact's website; Talking About Tomorrow is a site which has been created with parents, for parents to support you to find answers to your questions and help you make the right decisions as a family. It contains a wealth of information about post-school transition. Find it here.
- The Toolbox was developed by Highland Children's Forum and supported by Highland Council. It contains lots of information about Transition and other useful information to support planning for the future: Toolbox
- Skills Development Scotland have a very useful online tool called my world of work. You can access it here.
- The Interactive My World Triangle helps you to see your skills and achievements, and will help you to use them to make plans for the future. It helps the people involved in your transition to know who you are, where you want to go, and what you need to get there. This will need to be opened in Internet Explorer, a refresh of the tool is currently being considered. Interactive My World Triangle
- The Interactive Transitions Guide will help the people involved in your transition to know who you are, where you want to go, and what you need to get there. It goes hand in hand with the Interactive My World Triangle. This will also need to be opened in Internet Explorer. Interactive Transitions Guide
- My Transition Guide, and My Transition Guide for Parents, Professionals and Partner Agencies are also available for download.
- The Principles of Good Transition 3 covers the 7 key principles of transition and covers relevant and up to date transition legislation. This version follows on from the success of POGT 1 & 2 and was published in January 2017. You can find the document here
Further information about transition within school and resource packs for other age groups are available - HDCD pack for Nursery to Primary HDCD Pack for Primary to Secondary. and a Primary to Secondary pack from the Highland Psychological Service.
Parenting Across Scotland have "Top Ten Tips" guides for Parents: Starting Primary School and Starting High School
‘Listen to the person and hear the possibility’
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