Young Enterprise Scotland (Highland & Moray Area) - Team Programme
Young Enterprise deliver and support the Student Team Programme which is a year-long enterprise journey for students over the age of 15 who have mild to moderate additional support needs. Designed to aid young people’s transition from education into independent living and employment, the programme develops confidence and life skills through working as a team to set up and run an enterprise. Generally delivered within the school timetable; this programme comes with support, resources and potential accreditation at SCQF Level 3 administered by Young Enterprise Scotland.
Like all YE Scotland programmes, the Team Programmes offers real life work experience – participants set up real companies, handling finances, design, production, marketing and all the challenges that entails. This is Interdisciplinary Learning (IDL) in action and introduces students to the realities of the world of work and business whilst allowing them to play to their strengths.
Team Programme groups have the option to take part in all YE Highland Moray events alongside Company Programme students to have their achievements recognised in the same way.
For further information see our overview leaflet - or visit our website.
The programme usually starts in September each year. If you are still at school - speak to your school in the first instance to find out more.
Alternatively contact: Linda Thomas - Area Team Chair
Check out our YouTube Channel HERE to see some of our events in action.
In the short time the Team Programme has been running, Highland students have already demonstrated their flair for business with awards won at UK level by three of the schools taking part – Inverness High School, St Clements and Alness Academy.
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