Test your Enterprise Skills Quiz

What are the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur?
What skills do you need and how do you develop them?
...You may be a successful future entrepreneur, you just don’t know it yet.

We believe that to help you develop skills and understand what you’re good it, you need to have a starting point. The “My Enterprise Profile” assessment tool is this starting point. Why not give yourself 15 minutes to go through the questions.

After completion you will be sent a thoroughly detailed report that illustrates six key areas of enterprise and which of these areas you excel in:

  • Making your customer's experience positive
  • Connecting with the market
  • Finding new ideas and concepts
  • Growing your business
  • Maintaining commitment and focus
  • Being prepared and ready for business
It is a great tool to share with students who are setting up their company Programme team or working in a group at College – and it is FREE.
Why not take the test yourself by clicking here!

To find out about our Company Programme in Highland where you can develop your entreprenerial skills visit our YES - Highland and Moray page.


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