Investors in Young People Accolade

Investors in Young People (IIYP) was borne out of a recommendation from the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce (DYW). The Commission, chaired by Sir Ian Wood called for the creation of an ‘Invest in Youth Accolade’ to help employers in their recruitment, retention and development of Young People.

Investors in People believe in realising the potential of people. Giving people the opportunities to succeed is at the heart of our ethos and we recognise the value of Young People. One of the biggest challenges businesses face is finding the right people to help them grow. We’ve learnt from the best that recruiting and developing Young People is a great way to build a dynamic and productive workforce. Investors in Young People is designed to help employers meet their business goals by harnessing the creativity and skills of Young People.

Funding from the Scottish Government to assist organisations with the cost of accreditation and advice against the IIYP framework is available, but only up to 31st March 2016.

What is it?

IIYP is a multi level framework with 10 indicators with outcomes of good practice grouped into themes showing outcomes as Developed, Established and Advanced.

It is a framework that supports organisations looking to recruit, retain and develop Young People, and offer recognition for those that are already doing this. It focusses on three key elements of Youth Employment – Attraction and Recruitment, Support and Development and Retention.

Many employers recognise the need to tackle issues such as an ageing workforce, skills gaps and shortages, talent development, succession planning and customer insight. Employing and developing young talent can be the solution. IIYP supports organisations from across the private, public and third sectors to assist them in meeting their business objectives by engaging and developing a talent pipeline for the future.

Our Mission

Investors in Young People believe in realising the potential of Young People through encouraging, supporting and recognising employers who are active in working with young people. The IIYP accreditation framework is for you to use to develop, or evaluate your approach to recruiting and developing Young People whatever the driver is for your business. It offers recognition if you are demonstrating Young People practices, and guidance and recommendations for you to develop your Young People strategy.

Investors in Young People is delivered by Investors in People Scotland Specialists whose expert knowledge, skills and experience have helped organisations across the private, public and third sector, covering the entire geographical region of Scotland.

Further information

See the attached booklet for a general overview and summary for our framework.
Our IIYP case studies provide some examples of organisations we’ve been working with - Case Studies
We have developed an interactive tool - 20 questions that give an idea of which areas of the framework you might want to focus on - Interactive Tool
Contact our office directly, email Jim Oag or visit our website for more information - details below.



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Investors in People Scotland, Registered Office, 94 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh
