Search Results
3 results-
Qualifications you can achieve at school
New qualifications have been developed to support Curriculum for Excellence, which introduced a new way of learning to schools and Colleges in 2010. Most schools in Highland offer a range of qualifications and subjects to... -
Guide to Scottish Qualifications
SQA qualifications are designed and structured to support people on their individual learning journeys, and give Scottish businesses a competitive advantage by enhancing the quality of the workforce. At first sight, the Scottish qualifications system... -
16plus Planning
Capturing and recording the intentions and destinations of young people: Before pupils become eligible to leave school they should be supported to consider what they want to do when they leave school and when they...
8 results-
Investors in Young People Accolade
Investors in Young People (IIYP) was borne out of a recommendation from the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce (DYW). The Commission, chaired by Sir Ian Wood called for the creation of an ‘Invest in... -
Opportunities for All
Opportunities for All is a commitment by Scottish Government to offer a place in learning or training to every 16-19 year old who is currently not in education, employment or training. Highland Council has a... -
Modern Apprenticeships with The Highland Council
In 2017, Highland Council introduced the wider Modern Apprenticeship team. The initial target was to reach 150 apprenticeships across the services within 2 years. We achieved this and have continued to successfully grow the apprentice... -
Columba 1400
Columba 1400 is an award-winning social enterprise and charity. We help young people and the key adults in their lives to be the change they want to see in the world. We work alongside them...