Search Results
33 results-
Skills for Work
Skills for Work courses focus on generic employability skills needed for success in the workplace. The courses offer learners opportunities to learn these skills through a variety of practical experiences that are linked to vocational... -
Help with finding work
If you are looking for a job or need help seeking work, Jobcentre Plus can offer a range of support and advice. Jobcentre Plus can help you find out about the latest jobs available... -
Employment Law for School-aged young people
If you are thinking of working and earning a wage the law states that you can only work a certain number of hours per week and only do certain jobs until you reach school leaving... -
Job Search Websites
Useful Websites for Highland Jobseekers: General Job Newspaper Job Graduate Specialist Job
164 results-
Army Work Experience
Links to the Army Work Experience application form and Request for Activities can be found below. Full job description and dates for Work Experience can be found here -> HERE -
Barnardo's Works Highland
Barnardo’s Works Highland Barnardo’s Works Highlands & Islands is a partnership delivered by Barnardo's Scotland and our associated employers. It provides young people with a unique blend of personal support and accredited training, matched with... -
Privacy Notice - Work Experience
Privacy notice – Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) and work-related learning for school pupils Purpose To ensure that the workplace is a safe environment for school-aged young people to undertake appropriate work-related learning and workplace... -
Developing the Young Workforce (DYW)
The Developing the Young Workforce - Scotland's Youth Employment Strategy was published on 15 December 2014: a link to the press release can be found here along with a link to the published document. The...