Guide to Scottish Qualifications

SQA qualifications are designed and structured to support people on their individual learning journeys, and give Scottish businesses a competitive advantage by enhancing the quality of the workforce.
At first sight, the Scottish qualifications system might seem complex, but it is really very straightforward. Qualifications sit at various levels allowing the learner to make strides from one qualification to the next, or to change paths at an equivalent level, which gives everyone the opportunity to achieve their full and true potential.
SQA has a wide range of robust, relevant and respected qualifications which are designed in partnership with industry experts to ensure learners gain the skills and experience needed in the workplace.

The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) helps to make the relationships between qualifications clearer. It covers achievements such as those from school, college, university, and any workbased qualifications. Qualifications in the SCQF are compared using two measures: level and credit. The level of a qualification shows how difficult the learning is, and the amount of credit shows the size of the qualification.

Further information and full details can be found in the guide: Guide to Scottish Qualifications

Useful information chart linking Developing the Young Workforce and the SCQF - DYW & SCQF Poster


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