Youth Awards

The Awards Network is a forum made up of some of the most noteworthy providers of youth work awards in Scotland. Its members work together to raise awareness of the range and impact of youth work awards that accredit learning and achievements of young people aged 10 to 25. Its membership includes the largest youth organisations in Scotland along with a range of niche award providers.

The Purpose of Awards Network is to ‘Promote and recognise the achievements of young people gained through youth work awards’.

The Vision of the Awards Network is that ‘Youth Work Awards are widely valued and accepted as critical evidence of every young person’s learning and achievement’.

The Awards Network website provides an interactive search tool to find out more about Youth Awards in Scotland. This information highlights the great variety of individual learning awards that young people can access and raises awareness of the skills learners develop to education providers and employers.

Visitors to the site can search for an appropriate award by age range, SCQF rating, fee, training requirement, external or internal accreditation, and award type (nominated or learning award). The website links awards together to support those looking for dual accreditation or progression between awards.

You will find links from this site to all of the Awards Network members’ own websites.
All of the awards within the membership of the Awards Network are available to young people aged 10-25 throughout Scotland and use youth work approaches in their delivery.
Discover the range of awards available to recognise and accredit your learners by visiting:
To find the right award for you Search Awards or download the Amazing Things booklet for a detailed summary.
For more information contact Youth Scotland via email or phone.


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Youth Scotland
