CREATE - Inverness College UHI

CREATE is the Highland Centre for Enterprise and Innovation at Inverness College UHI. Its ambition is to inspire, encourage and support students, staff and the business community to develop the knowledge, skills and motivation they need to realise their potential through enterprise.

The CREATE team helps students, staff and the business community achieve this by providing an exciting and engaging range of flexible programmes, courses, events, workshops, skills development programmes, start-up support services, support to educators and competitions.

The team also works closely with the Scottish business community and enjoys excellent relationships with the enterprise support network including Business Gateway Highland and Moray, Inverness Chamber of Commerce and Highlands and Islands Social Enterprise Zone.

CREATE offers the following one-day courses designed to help you develop a range of enterprise skills.

  • Do You Want to be Your Own Boss?
This workshop will help you explore how to start a business, based on sound principles of creative business practice, and introduce you to the local enterprise support organisations.
  • Pitching with Passion
This workshop will help you develop your persuasive capabilities and discover how to confidently present yourself and your ideas when networking, selling or seeking funding.
  • What's the Big Idea?
This workshop will introduce you to the concepts of creativity and innovation, more effective brainstorming and provide you with the tools to find and develop new ideas for your business.

As the Highlands and Islands Hub for Bridge 2 Business, we provide the following learning and networking opportunities for students:

  • Inspiring Meet Ups
2 hour interactive, thematic workshops that prepare studens for all aspects enterprise from inspiring ideas to delivering successful pitches
  • Guest Speakers

This is an opportunity for students to discover the journey of a successful entrepreneur within their specific field of interest. These truly inspiring sessions can change the way you look at your future career path.

  • Conference
This highly commended programme of events will return in March 2016 as we encourage students to "Get Inspired" right across the UHI campus.
CREATE has also produced enterprise resource packs for Learners and Educators.
We have a range of fascinating interviews with a number of local entrepreneurs. Gain an insight into their entrepreneurial journeys by viewing the videos and podcasts by following the link.
For further information and detail about our opportunities visit our website or contact the CREATE Team.


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CREATE, Centre for Enterprise & Innovation, Inverness College UHI, Room 201, 1 Inverness Campus, Inverness
