Action for Children

Our vision is to ensure that every child and young person in the country has a safe and happy childhood and the foundations they need to thrive

We protect and support children and young people by:

  • Providing practical and emotional care and support
  • Ensuring their voices are heard
  • Campaigning to bring lasting improvements to their lives

Locally we offer a number of services through Gael Og, Highland Services.

Intensive Support -

The Intensive Support Service is funded by the Local Authority Children's Service budget and is aimed at both preventing placement breakdown and facilitating transitions returning to Highland from an out of authority placement/transition from residential to home placements. It is for young people aged 11-18 years.

The main aims of the service are:

  • To maintain young people in their placements
  • Reduce anti-social/offending behaviour
  • Support parents/carers to strengthen the support network around the young person
  • Improve parent’s self-esteem and parenting capacity
  • Strengthen family relationships and support positive attachments
  • Offer support that is effective in encouraging and sustaining change.

Investing in Communities -

The Aspiring Communities project is funded directly from Scottish Government and provides support in 2 areas of Highland - Alness and Milton. The project aims to support these communities and local agencies to address issues and priorities where poverty and deprivation are experienced. Within this remit there is a specific focus on supporting Children and Young People affected by Parental Substance Misuse.

The main aims of the service are:

  • Develop services reflective of local needs and priorities
  • Enhance Positive Relationships between Parents and Children
  • Increase Parents and Children's confidence in accessing community support
  • Increase community activity through family engagement
  • Support Children and Young People to have increased levels of self-esteem and Resilience
  • Support to children and families going through recovery/affected by parental substance misuse

Moving On -

Moving On is funded directly by Scottish Government provides a flexible and holistic voluntary through care service to young male offenders aged 16-21. This service offers support to young people who have both offended and been liberated from HMYOI Polmont, been in a secure unit or are at high risk of offending in the community. Our catchment area is any area covered by the Highland Council. This includes most IV, KW and PH postcodes. The service is available for young men on remand or those serving less than 4 years. The service is also offered in Renfrewshire, East Ayrshire and Inverclyde.

Criminal Justice -

Criminal Justice alternative to custody service working with both male and females involved in offending behaviour. We deliver a 12 week offending behaviour programme and a 9 week? Preventing Abuse in Relationships programme. This is funded by the local authority Criminal Justice Department.

Intandem -

Intandem works with young people aged 8-14 who are on a home CSO Compulsory Supervision Order from the Children's Hearing system. They are matched with an adult mentor and have a 12 month relationship. Funded by Inspiring Scotland through Scottish Government funding.

HMP Inverness and Grampian Visitor Centre

The Visitor Centre is a drop-in point for families attending visits at Porterfield Prison or who have family incarcerated within the Scottish Prison Service.

The centre will offer a safe welcoming space offering:

  • Refreshments
  • Children’s play and activity area
  • Staff who provide friendly support and advice as well as recommending specific support services as required.
  • Access to on-line support
  • Baby changing and toilet facilities
  • Support to attend first visit

PEF Pupil Equity Fund -

PEF Pupil Equity Fund: Two outreach action for children staff based on Primary schools supporting children who require additional support in school but also to act as a link person between parents and schools. Funded by the Scottish Government through the PEF Funding.

To find out more contact our Head Office in Inverness.


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Action for Children Gael Og, 1st Floor, Highland Rail House, Station Square, Inverness
