Pulteneytown People’s Project - Stage 1

What do we offer at Stage 1?

At stage 1 we offer Activity Agreements. We will work with you to help you engage in a learning plan that meets your needs.

This may include:

  • development opportunities to enhance your life
  • building employability skills
  • planning for further learning, employment or training

We will identify and build upon your strengths throughout this programme until you are ready to move on.

Who can apply?

You are eligible if you have left school and are unable or not ready to access other options because of problems such as prolonged absence from school, disabilities or learning difficulties. You will need to be aged between 16 and 19 (or 20 in exceptional circumstances) For further information visit the Activity Agreement page.

What can you achieve?

You will work towards SQA qualifications in core skills as well as developing lifeskills, building positive relationships, managing money, problem solving, communication skills, work-based skills and health and well-being.

Can I get a training allowance?

Whilst on an Activity Agreement you may be eligible for Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA).
For further information and to check if you may be entitled to claim EMA visit: Highland Council EMA

Who do I contact to find out more?

In the first instance speak to the Activity Agreement Coordinator for the North Region:
Paul MacMillan - paul.macmillan@highland.gov.uk Tele: 01349 868278

For general enquiries about Pulteneytown People's Project - see contact details below.



Training Centre Team, Pulteney Centre, Wick
