HiMATS - Stage 5
What do we offer at Stage 5?
HiMATS (Highland & Moray Accredited Training Services) are a voluntary sector organisation who offer tailored training on a one-to-one basis within your Childcare/Workplace setting throughout Highlands and Moray. We currently offer Modern Apprenticeships in SVQ Level 3 Social Services (Children and Young People) at SCQF Level 7 - equivalent to HNC.
Who can apply?
You can apply if you are age 16 – 19 and in employment in a Childcare or Playwork setting. Speak to your employer in the first instance.
In some cases we may offer this opportunity up to the age of 24. Contact us for further information.
What can you achieve?
We offer Modern Apprenticeship qualifications at SVQ Level 3 Social Services.
Can I get a training allowance?
If you are on the Modern Apprenticeship scheme - you should be entitled to a wage.
Who do I contact to find out more?
Speak to Dawn Lawless - contact details below.
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