Dunnet Forestry Trust - Stage 1

What do we offer at Stage 1?

Dunnet Forest Trust aims to re-engage you through activities which increase self-worth and self-confidence through an Activity Agreement. Activities could include practical conservation tasks including removal of invasive species, woodland management, path maintenance, tree planting, working in the tree nursery, wildflower meadow maintenance, wood fuel production including working with the qualified foresters to produce split logs, maintaining stocks and supply local markets and growing fruit and vegetables.

Who can apply?

Young people aged 16 to 19 years who are not in education, employment or other training opportunities.

What can you achieve?

As well as gaining confidence and self-worth, we will work with you to help you consider your next steps which could include:

  • applying for College
  • volunteering opportunities
  • employment
  • other training options

By undertaking outdoor activities you could include improve your health and the ability to understand yourself and relate to others.

Can I get a training allowance?

At Stage 1 if you are on an Activity Agreement you may be eligible for Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA).
For further information and to check if you may be entitled to claim EMA visit: Highland Council EMA

Who do I contact to find out more?

See details below. Dunnet Forest is adjacent to the A836, approximately 8 miles east of Thurso and 18 miles north west of Wick. Buses run several times per day to Dunnet from Thurso and Wick.



Dunnet Forestry Trust, CastleHill Heritage Centre, Harbour Road, Castletown, Caithness
KW14 8TG
