Search Results
11 results-
Welcome to Work Experience
Please find below some brief information relating to work experience. We hope this may be useful to you in deciding whether to offer a work experience opportunity at this time. What is Hi-Hope? is... -
ScotGrad Graduate Placement Programme
Looking for your first job after graduation? Apply for our paid project-based placements in the Highlands and Islands which can last up to 12 months! You’ll have the opportunity to work on an innovative project... -
6 top tips for interviews
Tips provided by Apprenticeships in Scotland. 1. Dress smart – A freshly ironed shirt and polished pair of shoes will go a long way to making a good first impression on your future employer. Take... -
Career Education Standards and Guidance for School/Employer Partnerships
A new standard for Career Education (3-18) A suite of resources have been developed to contribute to professional learning for practitioners at all levels working with children and young people from 3 – 18. They...
58 results-
Work Experience for School Pupils
All work-related learning can provide you with skills and knowledge to help you consider your future career choices. Activities such as work placements, sector talks, mentoring, mock interviews, workplace visits, and enterprise activities at school... -
Army Work Experience
Links to the Army Work Experience application form and Request for Activities can be found below. Full job description and dates for Work Experience can be found here -> HERE -
Work Experience - Employer Guidance
As part of the national Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) agenda, The Highland Council, Schools, Colleges and DYW Regional Groups are working in partnership to develop and increase work-related learning opportunities for young people through... -
Privacy Notice - Work Experience
Privacy notice – Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) and work-related learning for school pupils Purpose To ensure that the workplace is a safe environment for school-aged young people to undertake appropriate work-related learning and workplace...