Search Results
19 results-
Young Enterprise Scotland (Highland & Moray Area) - Company Programme
Young Enterprise deliver and support the Student Company Programme - the ultimate enterprise experience wherein young people, aged 15-19, set up and run their own real company over the course of a year. Students in... -
Young Enterprise Scotland (Highland & Moray Area) - Team Programme
Young Enterprise deliver and support the Student Team Programme which is a year-long enterprise journey for students over the age of 15 who have mild to moderate additional support needs. Designed to aid young people’s... -
Young Enterprise Scotland
Young Enterprise Scotland offers a wide variety of enterprise & financial education programmes and development opportunities for young people of all ages across all of Scotland. Enterprise Education Programmes for Secondary Schools includes: The Company... -
Tigh Na Drochaid
Tigh Na Drochaid is a NHS Highland Resource Centre, providing adult services with support in the north of Skye. We may also become involved in the transition from children to adult services. The centre... -
Watermill Enterprises
Watermill Enterprises provides training for people with mild to moderate learning disabilities and physical difficulties. We recognise the barriers to employment caused by such disabilities. At Watermill there are jobs suitable to fit the... -
Deaf Services
The Deaf Services Team provide a range of services throughout the Highland area for people of all ages who are Deaf, hard of hearing, deafened or Deafblind and their families and carers. The work of... -
Lochaber Hope - Maximising Potential Programme
Lochaber Hope offers Hope, we provide a service that supports Lochaber people to cope with a wide range of sensitive, personal and challenging issue, as well as gaining key skills to be able to move... -
CREATE - Inverness College UHI
CREATE is the Highland Centre for Enterprise and Innovation at Inverness College UHI. Its ambition is to inspire, encourage and support students, staff and the business community to develop the knowledge, skills and motivation they... -
Apex Scotland
Apex Scotland is the specialist organisation which for over 35 years has contributed to a safer Scotland by working with people with criminal convictions or at risk of committing offences to give them the necessary... -
Modern Apprenticeships
Thousands of young Scots are choosing to get their careers up and running with a Modern Apprenticeship and there were over 1,000 new starts in the Highlands last year alone. They are a great way... -
The Highland Council - Paid Placements
The Highland Council and its public sector partners are hosting paid placement opportunities, providing valuable work experience opportunities to those living in the Highland region who are not in employment, education or training. Funded by... -
Enable Works - All in Highlands Project
ENABLE Works’ All in Highland Project is supported by Highland Council and European Social Fund to provide a personalised support service for people with Additional Support Needs, aged 16+ and based in the Highlands, to... -
Eden Court Theatre & Cinema
Eden Court’s Arts Education Department empowers young people from all sections of society, through participation in creative activities in a safe and friendly environment. Over 60 classes run every week at Eden Court, in... -
Music Plus +
Young people aged 14-19 will be offered the opportunity to take part in a range of music activities; from instrumental and technical tuition to song-writing, new technology, DJ and rapping skills, sound engineering and entrepreneurship... -
The Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI)
The Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) is an active citizenship programme that raises awareness amongst young people about philanthropy and their local community. Each participating school, each year is responsible for directing a £3000 YPI... -
Badaguish Outdoor Centre
Badaguish is an exciting yet sheltered environment, which people of all abilities can enjoy. The Centre provides twenty four hour respite care for unaccompanied individuals and groups of up to ten people with learning and... -
Barnardo's Works Highland
Barnardo’s Works Highland Barnardo’s Works Highlands & Islands is a partnership delivered by Barnardo's Scotland and our associated employers. It provides young people with a unique blend of personal support and accredited training, matched with... -
The Highland Council Employability Service
Highland Council’s Employability Services (HES) supports people of working age to progress towards and into employment. For young people we can engage with students up to 6 months before they reach their statutory school leaving... -
Change Mental Health
For 50 years, our mission has remained the same: to help and support people affected by mental illness. We are excited to continue that journey as Change Mental Health.At Change Mental Health, we place people...