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3 results-
Test your Enterprise Skills Quiz
What are the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur? What skills do you need and how do you develop them? ...You may be a successful future entrepreneur, you just don’t know it yet. We believe that... -
Top 10 Skills Employers look for in young people
Courtesy of Apprenticeships in Scotland website 1. Positive work ethic Making sure you come in every day with a positive outlook and aim to achieve the business goals. Ideally 15 minutes prior to starting time... -
Transition Planning
Transition happens throughout our lives, however, we recognise that there are key stages when you will need a bit more support. This page contains information and guidance to help you, your parents/carers and your teachers...
23 results-
Young Enterprise Scotland (Highland & Moray Area) - Company Programme
Young Enterprise deliver and support the Student Company Programme - the ultimate enterprise experience wherein young people, aged 15-19, set up and run their own real company over the course of a year. Students in... -
Young Enterprise Scotland (Highland & Moray Area) - Team Programme
Young Enterprise deliver and support the Student Team Programme which is a year-long enterprise journey for students over the age of 15 who have mild to moderate additional support needs. Designed to aid young people’s... -
Young Enterprise Scotland
Young Enterprise Scotland offers a wide variety of enterprise & financial education programmes and development opportunities for young people of all ages across all of Scotland. Enterprise Education Programmes for Secondary Schools includes: The Company... -
Tigh Na Drochaid
Tigh Na Drochaid is a NHS Highland Resource Centre, providing adult services with support in the north of Skye. We may also become involved in the transition from children to adult services. The centre...