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3 results-
What is the Annual Participation Measure?
The Annual Participation Measure (APM) is published every August, outlining the status of all young people aged 16-19, whether in school or post-school. The Scottish Government’s Opportunities for All commitment offers a place in learning... -
Employment Rights and Information
This is a summary of some of your employment rights and related information. Always contact an adviser or professional if you have a problem or are in doubt as these are summary points only and... -
16plus Planning
Capturing and recording the intentions and destinations of young people: Before pupils become eligible to leave school they should be supported to consider what they want to do when they leave school and when they...
5 results-
What is the Employability Pipeline?
The Strategic Skills Pipeline model has been developed as a framework to support the effective delivery of employability services. The pipeline is made up of 5 key stages, whereby the needs of the individual are... -
Skills Investment Plans
Skills Development Scotland provide a wealth of information on how skills can drive growth and opportunities in Scotland’s sectors and regions. Find out what we, and our partners, are doing to bring these plans to... -
Youth Awards
The Awards Network is a forum made up of some of the most noteworthy providers of youth work awards in Scotland. Its members work together to raise awareness of the range and impact of youth... -
Scotland's Enterprising Schools
Schools throughout Scotland engage in enterprise activity. For some this can mean a one off event, for others enterprise is a way of life, it is the way in which the curriculum is delivered and...