Search Results
24 results-
Work Experience - Student Guidance
The Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) initiative gives work-related learning a high priority and looks to broaden your learning options. The Highland Council, Schools, Colleges and DYW Regional Groups are working in partnership to develop... -
ScotGrad Summer Placement Programme
Looking for a full-time summer job relevant to your degree? Apply for our 8-12 week placements in the Highlands and Islands! You'll have the opportunity to use the skills you've learned at university, gain great... -
Young Enterprise Scotland
Young Enterprise Scotland offers a wide variety of enterprise & financial education programmes and development opportunities for young people of all ages across all of Scotland. Enterprise Education Programmes for Secondary Schools includes: The Company... -
Founders4Schools improves the employment chances of students by connecting them to inspiring business volunteers in their communities and beyond. Our online platform connects educators with leaders of successful growing businesses in their community. These encounters... -
Bridge 2 Business
Young Enterprise Scotland is delighted to have Bridge 2 Business as one of its key programmes. It is an interactive and engaging programme to inspire, connect and support college students into business. The Bridge ... -
Royal National Institute of Blind People – Scotland
The Education and Family Services Department promotes the interests of children and young people with sight problems and those who support them, from the point of diagnosis, on through the young persons school, college and... -
UCAS - Thinking About University?
If you are considering going to University, a good starting point is to visit the UCAS website. UCAS manages more than two million applications for full-time undergraduate courses every year and they also help... -
Social Enterprise Academy’s Schools Programme
Social enterprise is a dynamic business model, a business that reinvests its’ profits for community benefit. With over 5,600 social enterprises operating in Scotland today, it is our fastest growing sector. The Social Enterprise Academy’s... -
Young Enterprise Scotland (Highland & Moray Area) - Team Programme
Young Enterprise deliver and support the Student Team Programme which is a year-long enterprise journey for students over the age of 15 who have mild to moderate additional support needs. Designed to aid young people’s... -
Springpod is a free careers platform used by over 320, 000 young people offering a whole host of exciting and impactful opportunities from virtual work experience to university experiences alongside useful advice and information related... -
CREATE - Inverness College UHI
CREATE is the Highland Centre for Enterprise and Innovation at Inverness College UHI. Its ambition is to inspire, encourage and support students, staff and the business community to develop the knowledge, skills and motivation they... -
AbilityNet supports anyone living with any disability or impairment to use technology to achieve their goals at home, at work and in education. AbilityNet was created in 1998 by IBM and Microsoft to share tech... -
UHI - University of the Highlands and Islands
The University of the Highlands and Islands gives you the chance to do something different, something special. We offer a diverse range of courses, many taking advantage of our region's unique environment, landscape and culture... -
YASS - Young Applicants in School Scheme
These are Open University Higher Education modules normally open to motivated and able S6 students. A YASS course can add breadth and depth to your school curriculum, enrich your academic profile and develop your... -
Seashell Trust
Royal College Manchester is situated in Cheadle, Stockport and is a wonderful place to learn. We offer day and residential courses to students aged between 19 and 25 years with a broad range of... -
Association of National Specialist Colleges
Natspec is the membership association for independent specialist colleges that provide further education or training for learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. These learners tend to have more complex or additional disabilities, so that... -
Watermill Enterprises
Watermill Enterprises provides training for people with mild to moderate learning disabilities and physical difficulties. We recognise the barriers to employment caused by such disabilities. At Watermill there are jobs suitable to fit the... -
This is an online resource which has been produced in association with Heriot Watt University to support a large number of existing SQA qualifications from Higher through to Advanced Higher, with some available at... -
UHI Inverness
The University of Highlands and Islands (UHI) is where learning means more. We’re more than a college and more than a university. From our campuses in Inverness, we offer flexible and supported learning from access... -
Young Enterprise Scotland (Highland & Moray Area) - Company Programme
Young Enterprise deliver and support the Student Company Programme - the ultimate enterprise experience wherein young people, aged 15-19, set up and run their own real company over the course of a year. Students in... -
The Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI)
The Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) is an active citizenship programme that raises awareness amongst young people about philanthropy and their local community. Each participating school, each year is responsible for directing a £3000 YPI... -
National Autistic Society Scotland
The National Autistic Society (NAS) Scotland is the leading UK charity for people with autism (including Asperger Syndrome) and their families. The NAS provides information, support and pioneering services, and campaigns for a better world... -
Work Experience for School Pupils
All work-related learning can provide you with skills and knowledge to help you consider your future career choices. Activities such as work placements, sector talks, mentoring, mock interviews, workplace visits, and enterprise activities at school... -
The Highland Council Employability Service
Highland Council’s Employability Services (HES) supports people of working age to progress towards and into employment. For young people we can engage with students up to 6 months before they reach their statutory school leaving...