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18 results-
Skills for Work
Skills for Work courses focus on generic employability skills needed for success in the workplace. The courses offer learners opportunities to learn these skills through a variety of practical experiences that are linked to vocational... -
Test your Enterprise Skills Quiz
What are the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur? What skills do you need and how do you develop them? ...You may be a successful future entrepreneur, you just don’t know it yet. We believe that... -
Top 10 Skills Employers look for in young people
Courtesy of Apprenticeships in Scotland website 1. Positive work ethic Making sure you come in every day with a positive outlook and aim to achieve the business goals. Ideally 15 minutes prior to starting time... -
Volunteering in the Highlands
What is Volunteering all about? Volunteering is the giving of time and energy Volunteering is all about choice… Your choice! YOU CHOOSE the sort of volunteering you would like to do. It could be something...
98 results-
Skills Investment Plans
Skills Development Scotland provide a wealth of information on how skills can drive growth and opportunities in Scotland’s sectors and regions. Find out what we, and our partners, are doing to bring these plans to... -
Skills Development Scotland
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is the national skills body supporting the people and businesses of Scotland. SDS can support you to plan your career ambitions in a number of ways. The web service allows... -
Cairngorms Skills Project
Want a career, but don't know what you want to do? Know what you want to do, but can't get to where you want to be? Then we can help. What do we offer? The... -
Cantraybridge College
What do we offer? Cantraybridge College is Scotland's specialist further education college for young adults with learning disability, autism or similar additional needs. We provide vocational and personal development programmes to support young people to...