Search Results
12 results-
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction
Housing Benefit is a benefit for people on a low income to help them pay their rent. Council Tax reduction is for people on a low income to help them pay their Council Tax. You... -
Communication Support
Communication support for people who are Deaf, deafened, deafblind or hard of hearing is available to make Highland Council and NHSH services more accessible. Colleagues at the Service Centre will provide a booking service during... -
Data Consent
Your school and the Education Service need to keep information about you so that we can: keep in touch with you and let you know about the services Highland Council provide for young adults... -
Data Sharing - Frequently Asked Questions
Care and Learning Sharing Information and Data Consent – What Does This Mean for You? Q: Why does Care and Learning need to keep information about me? A: So that we can Keep in touch...
109 results-
SANE Services
SANE is a national mental health charity which aims to raise awareness of mental illness and campaign to improve services and initiate research into the causes of serious mental illness. Emotional support and information is... -
Deaf Services
The Deaf Services Team provide a range of services throughout the Highland area for people of all ages who are Deaf, hard of hearing, deafened or Deafblind and their families and carers. The work of... -
The Highland Council Employability Service
Highland Council’s Employability Services (HES) supports people of working age to progress towards and into employment. For young people we can engage with students up to 6 months before they reach their statutory school leaving... -
Highland Opportunity's Business Gateway Service
If you are thinking of starting your own business then Business Gateway will help you to grow and prosper. All of their services are free of charge and all are available throughout the Highlands and...