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3 results-
Adult Returner to School
Some schools may be able to offer young people at 16+, who are school leavers, the chance of enrolling on a specific course in school as an adult returner. This may form part of a... -
Qualifications you can achieve at school
New qualifications have been developed to support Curriculum for Excellence, which introduced a new way of learning to schools and Colleges in 2010. Most schools in Highland offer a range of qualifications and subjects to... -
Employment Rights and Information
This is a summary of some of your employment rights and related information. Always contact an adviser or professional if you have a problem or are in doubt as these are summary points only and...
14 results-
SANE Services
SANE is a national mental health charity which aims to raise awareness of mental illness and campaign to improve services and initiate research into the causes of serious mental illness. Emotional support and information is... -
Money Advice
Money advice The Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) provide advice on managing money. They can: Discuss what options are available to you Advise you how to deal with the companies/organisations that you owe money to Negotiate... -
Skills Development Scotland
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is the national skills body supporting the people and businesses of Scotland. SDS can support you to plan your career ambitions in a number of ways. The web service allows... -
The Duncraig Educational Trust Scheme
The Duncraig Educational Trust Scheme provide financial assistance to young Highland people who can meet the essential criteria for the scheme. These are:- Young people with an exceptional or unique talent And, who attend or...