Search Results
4 results-
Job Centre Opportunities
There is a wide range of support and provision available to jobseekers and other out of work claimants through Jobcentre Plus. Some of the opportunities include: Work Together Work Together aims to help umemployed people... -
You may be eligible for certain benefits if you are of working age. Job Centre plus can provide you with a wide range of information and services, like benefits, loans and grants and help with... -
Volunteering in the Highlands
What is Volunteering all about? Volunteering is the giving of time and energy Volunteering is all about choice… Your choice! YOU CHOOSE the sort of volunteering you would like to do. It could be something... -
Employment Rights and Information
This is a summary of some of your employment rights and related information. Always contact an adviser or professional if you have a problem or are in doubt as these are summary points only and...
24 results-
Modern Apprenticeships - Universal Jobmatch
Universal Jobmatch is a service offered through Government Gateway. This service has been designed to help you search for potential jobs by area, sector, keyword or reference number. You can post your CV and apply... -
Community Jobs Scotland
What do we offer? Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) provides young people living in Scotland with paid jobs in third sector organisations. CJS is a partnership between the Scottish Government, SCVO and Social Enterprise Scotland... -
What is the Employability Pipeline?
The Strategic Skills Pipeline model has been developed as a framework to support the effective delivery of employability services. The pipeline is made up of 5 key stages, whereby the needs of the individual are... -
UHI West Highland - Stage 2
What do we offer at Stage 2? We offer a ‘roll on - roll off’ College based employability programme. The focus is on building confidence levels, gaining trust and empowering you to realise your potential...