Search Results
17 results-
Marketplace is an online tool connecting schools and colleges with business. Marketplace helps build young people’s job readiness and increases their career options. At the same time, employers can help shape young talent, address skills... -
Dyslexia Scotland
We offer support and advice to people of all ages about dyslexia. We work all over Scotland and have local branches in Lochaber, Inverness and Moray. Our website contains lots of useful information and links... -
Highland LGBT Forum
This is a registered charity based in Inverness and run by volunteers. We organise social events and outdoor activities for over 16s who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or are unsure about their... -
Highland Opportunity's Business Gateway Service
If you are thinking of starting your own business then Business Gateway will help you to grow and prosper. All of their services are free of charge and all are available throughout the Highlands and... -
The Buzz Project
The Buzz Project runs Youth café Drop-in sessions in the Lochaber area aimed at young people aged 14-25. These sessions provide young people in Lochaber with a warm, safe space to socialise with a trusted... -
Highland Young Musicians
There are currently eight Regional Music Groups, run as an extension to the work of the Instrumental Tuition Service in Highland. Membership for all the groups is by audition / invitation after an annual Audition... -
Bridge 2 Business
Young Enterprise Scotland is delighted to have Bridge 2 Business as one of its key programmes. It is an interactive and engaging programme to inspire, connect and support college students into business. The Bridge ... -
Highland Disability Sport
Highland Disability Sport (HDS) is the branch member of Scottish Disability Sport (SDS) who are the governing body for leisure and sport for people with disabilities in Scotland. As a branch member, HDS co–ordinates... -
Young Enterprise Scotland (Highland & Moray Area) - Team Programme
Young Enterprise deliver and support the Student Team Programme which is a year-long enterprise journey for students over the age of 15 who have mild to moderate additional support needs. Designed to aid young people’s... -
Inclusion Scotland
Inclusion Scotland, the national disabled people's organisation, now has a Highland presence. John Beaton is based in Dingwall and is the Policy and Engagement Officer for the Scotland wide organisation which is run by disabled... -
HISEZ Fusion
Highlands and Islands Social Enterprise Zone launched HISEZ Fusion at the end of January 2016 to support the networking and education of Entrepreneurs. Fusion was originally established in 2002 to support the development of entrepreneurship... -
CREATE - Inverness College UHI
CREATE is the Highland Centre for Enterprise and Innovation at Inverness College UHI. Its ambition is to inspire, encourage and support students, staff and the business community to develop the knowledge, skills and motivation they... -
HISEZ Fusion
Highlands and Islands Social Enterprise Zone launched HISEZ Fusion at the end of January 2016 to support the networking and education of Entrepreneurs. HISEZ provides support and advice to social enterprises. Fusion is a HISEZ... -
Young Enterprise Scotland (Highland & Moray Area) - Company Programme
Young Enterprise deliver and support the Student Company Programme - the ultimate enterprise experience wherein young people, aged 15-19, set up and run their own real company over the course of a year. Students in... -
Opportunities for All
Opportunities for All is a commitment by Scottish Government to offer a place in learning or training to every 16-19 year old who is currently not in education, employment or training. Highland Council has a... -
High Life Highland - Youth Services Team
The Youth Team within High Life Highland provide and support a range of services for young people aged 11 to 26 who are interested in taking part in activities and working within their community to... -
Work Experience - Employer Guidance
As part of the national Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) agenda, The Highland Council, Schools, Colleges and DYW Regional Groups are working in partnership to develop and increase work-related learning opportunities for young people through...