Search Results
26 results-
Watermill Enterprises
Watermill Enterprises provides training for people with mild to moderate learning disabilities and physical difficulties. We recognise the barriers to employment caused by such disabilities. At Watermill there are jobs suitable to fit the... -
Young Enterprise Scotland
Young Enterprise Scotland offers a wide variety of enterprise & financial education programmes and development opportunities for young people of all ages across all of Scotland. Enterprise Education Programmes for Secondary Schools includes: The Company... -
Social Enterprise Academy’s Schools Programme
Social enterprise is a dynamic business model, a business that reinvests its’ profits for community benefit. With over 5,600 social enterprises operating in Scotland today, it is our fastest growing sector. The Social Enterprise Academy’s... -
Young Enterprise Scotland (Highland & Moray Area) - Team Programme
Young Enterprise deliver and support the Student Team Programme which is a year-long enterprise journey for students over the age of 15 who have mild to moderate additional support needs. Designed to aid young people’s... -
Young Enterprise Scotland (Highland & Moray Area) - Company Programme
Young Enterprise deliver and support the Student Company Programme - the ultimate enterprise experience wherein young people, aged 15-19, set up and run their own real company over the course of a year. Students in... -
HISEZ Fusion
Highlands and Islands Social Enterprise Zone launched HISEZ Fusion at the end of January 2016 to support the networking and education of Entrepreneurs. Fusion was originally established in 2002 to support the development of entrepreneurship... -
HISEZ Fusion
Highlands and Islands Social Enterprise Zone launched HISEZ Fusion at the end of January 2016 to support the networking and education of Entrepreneurs. HISEZ provides support and advice to social enterprises. Fusion is a HISEZ... -
Scotland's Enterprising Schools
Schools throughout Scotland engage in enterprise activity. For some this can mean a one off event, for others enterprise is a way of life, it is the way in which the curriculum is delivered and... -
The Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI)
The Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) is an active citizenship programme that raises awareness amongst young people about philanthropy and their local community. Each participating school, each year is responsible for directing a £3000 YPI... -
Bridge 2 Business
Young Enterprise Scotland is delighted to have Bridge 2 Business as one of its key programmes. It is an interactive and engaging programme to inspire, connect and support college students into business. The Bridge ... -
ScotGrad Summer Placement Programme
Looking for a full-time summer job relevant to your degree? Apply for our 8-12 week placements in the Highlands and Islands! You'll have the opportunity to use the skills you've learned at university, gain great... -
Artlands North
JOIN A DIGITAL COMMUNITY OF NORTHERN ARTISTS & MAKERS Introducing Artlands North: an online, interactive map showcasing the wealth and diversity of art and craft in the North of Scotland. Maintained by Timespan, this register... -
CREATE - Inverness College UHI
CREATE is the Highland Centre for Enterprise and Innovation at Inverness College UHI. Its ambition is to inspire, encourage and support students, staff and the business community to develop the knowledge, skills and motivation they... -
Start Your Business - Prince's Trust
Take that idea you've been dreaming of and, with our Enterprise training, mentoring and funding, become your own boss. Prince's Trust have helped over 90,000 young people to start their own business – and you... -
Highland Visual Arts & Crafts Award Scheme
In order to advance the Highland Culture Strategic Board’s cultural strategy ‘Highland Culture: take part, take pride’ High Life Highland in partnership with emergents and Creative Scotland have established a scheme of funding that addresses... -
Calman Trust Ltd
At Calman, we provide a number of training opportunities in Inverness and Invergordon for young people aged 14 to 25. We have training centres where we run our life skills and employability programmes and you... -
Skye & Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations
Skye and Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations is the Highland Third Sector Interface delivery partner for the Skye and Lochalsh area. We are an independent charity that receives core funding from the Scottish Government to... -
Merkinch Technology Centre
Merkinch Enterprise, founded in 1992, is a registered charity working primarily within the Merkinch ward of Inverness to help reduce unemployment and associated problems. A subsidiary organisation, Merkinch Technology Centre provides (among other things)... -
Youth Business Trust - Prince's Trust
Are you aged 13-30 and looking to make a change in your life? If you're unemployed or struggling at school, The Prince's Trust can help you in a number of ways, including free training courses... -
AAI EmployAbility - Opportunities
AAI EmployAbility (previously known as Adopt an Intern) is an award-winning not-for-profit company with social mobility and inclusion at its core. We've been fighting the culture of unpaid internships since 2010 and have supported 1600+... -
Apprenticeships in Scotland
Apprenticeships in Scotland is a website that promotes a wide variety of apprenticeship and entry level positions for young people in Scotland. Apprenticeships in Scotland is a social enterprise that is run by young people... -
Columba 1400
Columba 1400 is an award-winning social enterprise and charity. We help young people and the key adults in their lives to be the change they want to see in the world. We work alongside them... -
What is the Employability Pipeline?
The Strategic Skills Pipeline model has been developed as a framework to support the effective delivery of employability services. The pipeline is made up of 5 key stages, whereby the needs of the individual are... -
Dornoch Firth Group
The Dornoch Firth Group is a project that aims to support and develop activities that bring people together around the Dornoch Firth, not just those residents involved in the local churches, but everybody of... -
High Life Highland - Youth Services Team
The Youth Team within High Life Highland provide and support a range of services for young people aged 11 to 26 who are interested in taking part in activities and working within their community to... -
Community Jobs Scotland
What do we offer? Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) provides young people living in Scotland with paid jobs in third sector organisations. CJS is a partnership between the Scottish Government, SCVO and Social Enterprise Scotland...