Search Results
3 results-
Guide to Scottish Qualifications
SQA qualifications are designed and structured to support people on their individual learning journeys, and give Scottish businesses a competitive advantage by enhancing the quality of the workforce. At first sight, the Scottish qualifications system... -
Welcome to Work Experience
Please find below some brief information relating to work experience. We hope this may be useful to you in deciding whether to offer a work experience opportunity at this time. What is Hi-Hope? is... -
Your Opinion Counts
‘’Testing the resource, asking you to make it better’’ May 2012 We asked seven Highland Schools both secondary and special schools who serve rural, semi-rural and city areas to assist us in reviewing the...
26 results-
Highland Visual Arts & Crafts Award Scheme
In order to advance the Highland Culture Strategic Board’s cultural strategy ‘Highland Culture: take part, take pride’ High Life Highland in partnership with emergents and Creative Scotland have established a scheme of funding that addresses... -
Blackwood Homes
Blackwood-homes provide accessible housing, care and support in a variety of locations across Scotland. All Blackwood- homes housing schemes across Scotland have a mix of family houses to suit wheelchair users, people with mobility... -
YASS - Young Applicants in School Scheme
These are Open University Higher Education modules normally open to motivated and able S6 students. A YASS course can add breadth and depth to your school curriculum, enrich your academic profile and develop your... -
Modern Apprenticeships - Universal Jobmatch
Universal Jobmatch is a service offered through Government Gateway. This service has been designed to help you search for potential jobs by area, sector, keyword or reference number. You can post your CV and apply...